Footbridge rend la mode plus transparente

Voici l’article du Journal du textile du 3 mai 2021

Journal du Textile Footbridge 030521 scaled


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Louis-Marie Vautier

Gérant - Co-fondateur GOODFABRIC

Louis-Marie Vautier is the co-founder of GOOD FABRIC and the FOOTBRIDGE platform, which specialize in traceability and eco-design in the textile industry. As a committed entrepreneur, he works to make fashion more sustainable and transparent through innovative solutions. His approach significantly contributes to improving environmental practices in fashion by combining field experience, technology, and ecological responsibility.

photo vitrine maro

Leather LCA by LWG versus PEFCR Leather: what are …

The European Union is working on the environmental display of various products through the PEFCR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules). Among these, leather products remain a subject under study through PEFCR Leather. Private life-cycle analysis projects have also been launched. Footbridge has developed an automated LCA calculation solution for leather products. Meanwhile, LWG (Leather Working […]

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cout environnemental

From environmental labelling to environmental …

On November 28, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the French Minister for Ecological Transition, presented the latest developments in environmental textile labelling, ahead of a national consultation launched over the next few weeks. A decree, including an order setting out the method and format of environmental labelling, must first be submitted to the Conseil d’Etat for its opinion, […]

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rapport LWG

Analysis of the report “Measuring the …

The Leather Working Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the impact of the leather industry, founded by companies such as Adidas, Clarks, Ikea, Nike, Marks & Spencer, Timberland… The organization, which has 2,000 members in 60 countries, has developed an environmental certification framework for the entire leather suply-chain (footwear, leather goods, etc.). It […]

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