La révolution green est en marche. Retrouvez notre actu et nos articles

How to reduce the carbon footprint of your textile products?

How to reduce the carbon footprint of your textile products?

The textile industry, with its massive carbon footprint, has become a focal point in current environmental debates. At Footbridge, we are aware of this issue and are committed to helping industry stakeholders understand and reduce the environmental impact of their...

Why is the textile industry so polluting?

Why is the textile industry so polluting?

When tackling the environmental impact of a garment, it’s crucial to understand the major impact factors as well as the real-world conditions at every stage of its manufacturing, use, and end-of-life.

CSR Management Tools by FOOTBRIDGE

CSR Management Tools by FOOTBRIDGE

FOOTBRIDGE presents its new dashboards to make it easier to understand CSR issues and identify potential risks linked to the manufacture of collections.

Sustainable fashion, reality or greenwashing?

Sustainable fashion, reality or greenwashing?

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, but you already knew that, right? In addition to massive water pollution, it significantly contributes to global warming, accounting for nearly 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The...

The new requirements with Article 13 of the AGEC law

The new requirements with Article 13 of the AGEC law

Decree no. 2022-748, published in the French Official Journal on April 30, makes article 13 of the AGEC law immediately applicable to companies in the textile/clothing sector, in particular through the obligation to communicate the traceability of their products.

What is the purpose of the traceability label for textiles?

What is the purpose of the traceability label for textiles?

QR Codes will soon be appearing everywhere on clothing labels in the coming months and years. What are they for? Can we trust this information? Consumers’ demands for transparency are prompting players to provide more information about the manufacturing of their products. This becomes a strategic issue for brands, provided they have something to say.

Une plateforme pour (enfin) connaître les conditions de fabrication de vos vêtements

Une plateforme pour (enfin) connaître les conditions de fabrication de vos vêtements

(ETX Studio) – Bonne nouvelle pour celles et ceux qui réclament davantage de transparence dans le secteur de la mode. Une nouvelle plateforme, Footbridge, offre désormais la possibilité d’accéder aux informations relatives aux conditions de fabrication d’un produit textile. Un dispositif qui permet également aux marques de mieux maîtriser chacune de ces étapes de conception.



Le scandale des Ouïghours n’en finit pas de rebondir partout dans le monde. L’article du Fashion Network « Ouïghours: sur quoi repose la plainte déposée contre Inditex, Uniqlo, SMCP et Skechers? » en est un nouvel exemple. Une marque qui se veut « Conscious »...

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