Retrouvez l’article du Fashion Network annonçant le lancement de Footbridge par Good Fabric
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Schedule a demoRetrouvez l’article du Fashion Network annonçant le lancement de Footbridge par Good Fabric
Master the environmental impacts of your designs with our dedicated platform.
Schedule a demoThe European Union is working on the environmental display of various products through the PEFCR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules). Among these, leather products remain a subject under study through PEFCR Leather. Private life-cycle analysis projects have also been launched. Footbridge has developed an automated LCA calculation solution for leather products. Meanwhile, LWG (Leather Working […]
On November 28, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the French Minister for Ecological Transition, presented the latest developments in environmental textile labelling, ahead of a national consultation launched over the next few weeks. A decree, including an order setting out the method and format of environmental labelling, must first be submitted to the Conseil d’Etat for its opinion, […]
The Leather Working Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the impact of the leather industry, founded by companies such as Adidas, Clarks, Ikea, Nike, Marks & Spencer, Timberland… The organization, which has 2,000 members in 60 countries, has developed an environmental certification framework for the entire leather suply-chain (footwear, leather goods, etc.). It […]
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